Title | Summary Data: Monitoring and Observations Effort by Marine Ecoregion |
Version | 1.0 |
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This is a previous release of the EcoAssets Monitoring and Observations Effort by Marine Ecoregion Dataset. Version 1.1 of this dataset is accessible through the CSIRO Data Portal as part of the Aggregated Data: Environmental Monitoring and Observations Effort 2010-2023 dataset: https://doi.org/10.25919/2y9j-jk11. Summary of marine environmental monitoring and observation effort by networks associated with three Australian National Research Infrastructures from 2010 to the present organised by State/Territory, IMCRA bioregion, feature type and year. Metadata records were aggregated from biodiversity survey events from the Atlas of Living Australia (ALA, https://ala.org.au/), marine observations collected by the Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS, https://imos.org.au/) and site-based monitoring and survey efforts by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN, https://tern.org.au/). See Aggregated Data: Environmental Monitoring and Observations Effort for information on the metadata included. This dataset processes data from the Aggregated Data: Environmental Monitoring and Observations Effort dataset to offer counts of metadata records grouped by State/Territory, IMCRA region, feature type and year. Feature types follow the EcoAssets Earth Science Features vocabulary (https://doi.org/10.26197/w2a2-6s86). The elements in this dataset are as follows:
Citation Please cite these data as follows: EcoAssets (2023), Summary Data: Monitoring and Observations Effort by Marine Ecoregion (1.0.2023-03-23) [Data set], EcoAssets partnership (Atlas of Living Australia, Integrated Marine Observing System, Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, Australian Research Data Commons), DOI: https://doi.org/10.26197/fzkf-bn17 |
Keywords | Biodiversity, monitoring, marine environment, observations, IMCRA, earth science, EcoAssets |
License | CC-BY-4.0 |
Published By | EcoAssets |
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Visibility | Fully Public |
Geospatial Coverage | Australia, including marine areas |
Temporal Coverage From | 2010 |
Derived From |
Aggregated Data: Environmental Monitoring and Observations Effort (1.0.2023-03-23) [Data set], EcoAssets partnership (Atlas of Living Australia, Integrated Marine Observing System, Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, Australian Research Data Commons), DOI: https://doi.org/10.26197/e3n7-ys83 |
Language | English |
Update Frequency | Annually |
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